MyCityScene API
By using our API, you (and any company or organization you may represent) understand, accept and agree to be bound by the API Terms of Use:
Overview ¶
Request URL:
All requests have to contain the special header with yout API Key.
You can obtain your personal API Key here. It is available for Enterprise users only.
Some requests require users’ Authentication Tokens. Those tokens used to determine which user account will be used in the request. For example, your application has to use user’s Authentication Token on the event creating process to determine who will be the owner of the created event.
Every user can obtain his Authentication Token on his profile page.
HTTP response codes
All API methods will respond with one of the following HTTP response codes:
Code | Description |
200 | OK - Your request was successful and the response body contains a JSON representation |
204 | OK - No response. Your request was successful and MCS had no data to return to you |
400 | Bad Request - The data given in the request failed validation. Inspect the response body for details |
403 | Unauthorized - MCS failed to authenticate your request |
404 | Not Found - The specified method / resource could not be found |
405 | Method Not Allowed – The GET/POST/DELETE/PUT Method you input is not supported for this path |
500 | Server Error - This usually means there was a problem on MCS’s end. Double check to make sure your data sent is correct then reach out to MCS for help. |
When MCS detects an error in your request, we will respond with a 400 (Bad Request) HTTP response and return a JSON error object:
Property | Type | Description |
code | string | Code of the error: AuthenticationRequired, AccessDenied, NotFound, BadRequest, MethodNotAllowed |
message | string | A detailed error message of what went wrong |
States ¶
Areas ¶
Communities ¶
Venues ¶
Venue Collection ¶
List All Registered VenuesGET/venue
Example URI
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 209,
"community_id": 23,
"title": "Crook County Fairgrounds",
"address": "SE Fairgrnds Access Rd",
"city": "Prineville",
"zip": "97754",
"full_address": "SE Fairgrnds Access Rd, Prineville, OR 97754, USA",
"latitude": 44.2915075,
"longitude": -120.843062,
"editable": true
Venue Creation ¶
Create New VenuePOST/venue
You may create your own venue using this action. It takes JSON object.
title (required, string) - the title of the venue
address (required, string)
city (required, string)
zip (required, string) - the post code
community_id (required, integer) - the ID of the community of the venue
latitude (double) - latitude of the venue
longitude (double) - longitude of the venue
Example URI
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
"community_id": 23,
"title": "Crook County Fairgrounds",
"address": "SE Fairgrnds Access Rd",
"city": "Prineville",
"zip": "97754",
"latitude": 44.2915075,
"longitude": -120.843062
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 412
Venue Updating ¶
Update a VenuePOST/venue/{id}
Your application can update the venues made by itselves only.
title (required, string) - the title of the venue
address (required, string)
city (required, string)
zip (required, string) - the post code
community_id (required, integer) - the ID of the community of the venue
latitude (double) - latitude of the venue
longitude (double) - longitude of the venue
Example URI
- id
(required)the unique ID of the venue
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
"community_id": 23,
"title": "Crook County Fairgrounds",
"address": "SE Fairgrnds Access Rd",
"city": "Prineville",
"zip": "97754",
"latitude": 44.2915075,
"longitude": -120.843062
Categories ¶
Public Category Collection ¶
List All available public CategoriesGET/category
Example URI
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 1,
"title": "Live Music",
"hashtags":"#livemusic #band",
Private Category Collection ¶
To get all private categories of the user, you have to add a parameter token with an Authentication Token of the user.
List private categories of userGET/category?token={token}
Example URI
- token
(required) Example: '565ea878bb'Authentication Token of category owner
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 56,
"title": "My Personal Category",
"hashtags":"#livemusic #band",
Private Category Creation ¶
Create New Private CategoryPOST/category
You may create private categories for users using this action. It takes JSON object.
token (required, string) - Authentication Token of the category owner
title (required, string) - the title of the category
hashtags (optional, string) - space-separated hashtags
Example URI
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
"token": "a8757c87de7",
"title": "Best Movies",
"hashtags": "#cinema #movie"
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 75
Category Updating ¶
Update a Private CategoryPOST/category/{id}
Your application can update the venues made by your account only.
token (required, string) - Authentication Token of the category owner
title (required, string) - the title of the category
hashtags (required, string) - space-separated hashtags
Example URI
- id
(required) Example: 75the unique ID of the category
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
"token": "a8757c87de7",
"title": "Best Movies",
"hashtags": "#cinema #movie"
Events ¶
Event Collection ¶
List Your EventsGET/event?token={token}
Your application can get all events made by user.
Example URI
- token
(required) Example: '565ea878bb'Authentication Token of events owner
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 4191,
"venue_id": 141,
"title": "Ambassador Meeting @ Manresa Castle",
"description": "<p>Come join ...</p>" // html friendly
"ticketing_url": "",
"more_info_url": "",
"facebook_url": "",
"image_url": "",
"color": "#34A95B",
// is Family Friendly?
"is_all_ages": 1, // 1 or 0
// is free event?
"is_free": 0, // 1 or 0
// is 21+ ?
"is_21": 1, // 1 or 0
// status can be on of: 'draft', 'on_review', 'approved', 'declined', 'unverified'
"status": "on_review",
"categories" : "2,3,17,24",
// interval of the first time of event
"start_at": "2017-06-17 17:00:00", // in timezone od the related community
"end_at": "2017-06-17 23:00:00", // in timezone od the related community
"rec_frequency": "monthly", // recurring event
"rec_interval": 3, // every 3 months
"rec_days_of_week": "[2,4]"
"rec_repeat_by": "day_of_month",
"rec_end_rule": "on",
"rec_repeats": 0,
"rec_end_on": "2020-01-01",
"sessions": "" // comma separated date and time like "2017-08-12 10:00:00,2017-08-14 10:00:00"
Event Creation ¶
Create New EventPOST/event
You may create your own event using this action. It takes JSON object.
token (required, string) - Authentication Token of the event owner
venue_id (required, integer) - the ID of related venue
title (required, string, max:255)
description (required, string, max:65000) - HTML of the description
ticketing_url (optional, string, max:255)
more_info_url (optional, string, max:255)
facebook_url (optional, string, max:255)
color (optional, string, max:32) - color for calendar widgets (example: ‘#ff58A0’)
is_all_ages (optional, integer) - possible values 1 or 0, default: 0
is_free (optional, integer) - possible values 1 or 0, default: 0
is_21 (optional, integer) - possible values 1 or 0, default: 0
image_url (optional, string) - the URL of the event image
categories (required, string, comma separated integers) - the list of the related categories
start_at (required, string) - the beginning of the first time of event in the timezone of related community. Format: ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’
end_at (required, string) - the ending of the first time of event in the timezone of related community. Format: ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’
rec_frequency (optional, string) - recurring mode. Possible one of: ‘none’, ‘daily’, ‘weekly’, ‘monthly’, ‘annually’, ‘sessions’. Default ‘none’.
rec_interval (optional, number) - recurring interval. Required for reccuring modes only.
rec_days_of_week (optional, string, comma separaed integers) - days of week (0-sunday, 1-monday, …). Used for ‘weekly’ mode only
rec_repeat_by (optional, string) - repeating mode. Possible one of ‘day_of_month’, ‘day_of_week’. Required for ‘monthly’ mode only
rec_end_rule (optional, string) - the rule of repeat ending. Possible on of ‘never’, ‘on’, ‘after’. Required for reccuring modes only.
rec_repeats (optional, integer) - the number of the repeating. Required for ‘after’ rule only.
rec_end_on (optional, string) - the date of the ending of the repeating. Format: “YYYY-MM-DD”. Required for ‘on’ rule only.
sessions (optional, string, comma separated dates) - the list of the beginning times of the sessions in timezone of the related community. Format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. Required for ‘session’ mode only. Wrong values will be ignored.
Example URI
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
"token": "a8757c87de7",
"venue_id": 141,
"title": "Ambassador Meeting @ Manresa Castle",
"description": "<p>Come join ...</p>",
"ticketing_url": "",
"image_url": "",
"categories": "1,2,3,25",
"start_at": "2017-10-17 17:00:00", // in timezone of the related community
"end_at": "2017-10-17 23:00:00", // in timezone of the related community
"rec_frequency": "session", // recurring event
"sessions": "2017-10-19 17:00:00,2017-10-21 17:00:00,2017-10-25 19:30:00"
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 8412
Event Updating ¶
Update an EventPOST/event/{id}
token (required, string) - Authentication Token of the event owner
venue_id (required, integer) - the ID of related venue
title (required, string, max:255)
description (required, string, max:65000) - HTML of the description
ticketing_url (optional, string, max:255)
more_info_url (optional, string, max:255)
facebook_url (optional, string, max:255)
color (optional, string, max:32) - color for calendar widgets (example: ‘#ff58A0’)
is_all_ages (optional, integer) - possible values 1 or 0, default: 0
is_free (optional, integer) - possible values 1 or 0, default: 0
is_21 (optional, integer) - possible values 1 or 0, default: 0
image_url (optiona, string) - the URL of the event image
categories (required, string, comma separated integers) - the list of the related categories
start_at (required, string) - the beginning of the first time of event in the timezone of related community. Format: ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’
end_at (required, string) - the ending of the first time of event in the timezone of related community. Format: ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’
rec_frequency (required, string) - recurring mode. Possible one of: ‘none’, ‘daily’, ‘weekly’, ‘monthly’, ‘annually’, ‘sessions’. Default ‘none’.
rec_interval (optional, number) - recurring interval. Required for reccuring modes only.
rec_days_of_week (optional, string, comma separaed integers) - days of week (0-sunday, 1-monday, …). Used for ‘weekly’ mode only
rec_repeat_by (optional, string) - repeating mode. Possible one of ‘day_of_month’, ‘day_of_week’. Required for ‘monthly’ mode only
rec_end_rule (optional, string) - the rule of repeat ending. Possible on of ‘never’, ‘on’, ‘after’. Required for reccuring modes only.
rec_repeats (optional, integer) - the number of the repeating. Required for ‘after’ rule only.
rec_end_on (optional, string) - the date of the ending of the repeating. Format: “YYYY-MM-DD”. Required for ‘on’ rule only.
sessions (optional, string, cooma separated dates) - the list of the beginning times of the sessions in timezone of the related community. Format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. Required for ‘session’ mode only. Wrong values will be ignored.
Example URI
- id
(required) Example: 12the unique ID of the event
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
"token": "a8757c87de7",
"venue_id": 141,
"title": "Ambassador Meeting @ Manresa Castle",
"description": "<p>Come join ...</p>",
"ticketing_url": "",
"image_url": "",
"categories": "1,2,3,25",
// interval of the first time of event
"start_at": "2017-10-17 17:00:00", // in timezone of the related community
"end_at": "2017-10-17 23:00:00", // in timezone of the related community
"rec_frequency": "session", // recurring event
"sessions": "2017-10-19 17:00:00,2017-10-21 17:00:00,2017-10-25 19:30:00"