Created and hosted by Kelly Shanley, Star Baker Comedy Show is inspired by the hit series The Great British Baking Show. Each month, different comics will compete for the title of "Star Baker" by sharing their best signature joke, showstopper joke, and technical joke - brand new material they've written on a topic given to them specifically for the show.
Special guest judges will weigh in on their performances, pick their favorite, and crown a winner who will receive bragging rights, baked goods, and the esteemed title of Star Baker.
Curated Comedy with comics from HBO, Netflix, Comedy Central and late night TV.
THE CROW is listed in the LA Times as one of the best places to see comedy in LA!
Read a more about The Crow in this feature article of the LA Times.
Directions to The Crow at Bergamot Station: directions
FREE PARKING in the lot at Bergamot Station Arts Center. (You're welcome, Los Angeles.)
We are right at the Bergamot Station Metro Stop! (You are soooo welcome, Los Angeles!)
Fun Facts:
Safe Space! (Security guards on premises 24/7.)
The Crow is located directly behind our favorite restaurant, Birdie G's. If you want to grab a fine dinner there before, we encourage you to make a reservation. 10% off your meal with your ticket to The Crow.
More info can be found at:
*All audience members must show proof of vaccination or wear a mask.*
Lineup subject to change.
No drink minimum.
The Crow is owned and operated by a female/mom/stand-up comic.
Max attendance: 65
Special Instructions: FREE Parking on site inside Bergamot Station Arts Center.