We as individuals and as American citizens already navigate in an emotionally turbulent world, (e.g., ongoing wars and humanitarian crises in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza; climate crisis; sociopolitical unrest in the U.S.) and are about to become steeped in the 2024 presidential election year, which is likely to have its own turbulence. Previous experience suggests that it is valuable for us as clinicians to have a venue for consideration of the mourning necessary to foster clarity of thought regarding war and climate crises. But, also, to actively consider how as concerned citizens we may bolster resilience in ourselves and aid our communities against the strictures of polarization and the threats of sociopolitical tyranny if Trump, et. al., are successful.
The Study group Mourning and Resilience in 2024 will consider these themes, in light of our accruing experience as clinicians and citizens during the 2024 presidential election year.
This group is faciliated by Maxine Anderson, MD. FIPA.
The registration for the study group is complete at this time.