“…one of the most enchanting, mystifying, original solo shows we saw all year long.” -The Comedy Bureau
Veronica Osorio (Coen Bros., Soderbergh, CBS, Netflix, UCB Theater, The Elysian) is Medicine Woman, a sexy, sassy Venezuelan shamanic clown.
Medicine Woman, a mysterious healer from Venezuela, is in town to conduct a shamanic healing ritual and heal whoever comes her way. The medicine she provides is not always the same and depends on the vibes of the night and the audience (could be an entity/character, a dance, juggling, a tarot card, burlesque, a hug or a kiss) until the audience is healed.
Is this Venezuelan stranger a healer who holds the secrets of the universe – or is she a lil’ rascal tryna steal kisses from gorgeous strangers? And… does it matter? Once healed, ‘matter doesn’t really matter.’
As profound and sacred as it is silly and profane, Medicine Woman is clown, characters, part-circus, part-shamanic healing ritual, and a total night out with your Venezuelan best friend who’s gone through a lot of dumb bitch shit and is, henceforth, qualified to heal you!
Although every night will be different, Medicine Woman is a Latina lover, so there’ll always be sexiness and falling mutually in love… that is until she leaves for the next town. Enjoy her while you can!
The WIP featured in The Comedy Bureau’s Best things of 2023: thecomedybureau.com/100-best-things-in-comedy-2023/
Learn more at veronicaosorio.com/medicine-woman