Native Bees of the Olympic Peninsula & Their Nesting Habitats
Wednesday, May 14 2025, 1:00pm - 3:00pm PDT. copy to my calendar, iCal export
Fort Flagler State Park 1321 Flagler Campground Rd, Nordland, WA 98358, United States (map)

Fort Flagler Hospital

10541 Flagler Rd Nordland, WA 98358

Did you know that Washington is home to more than 600 native bee species? Most of them are solitary ground nesters with females constructing and provisioning their nests without help from other bees. These bees spend most of their lives underground or inside nest cavities with only a few weeks to a month flying as an adult. This presentation will feature native bees found on the Peninsula, including some less common species and habitat discoveries, local bee habitat survey results spanning three years and 16 sites, and both state and regional iNaturalist bee projects. With over 800 native bee observations for the Olympic Peninsula, Kris will share bee nesting behaviors, floral host-plant associations, and the seasonality of native bee species.

Speaker: Kris Ethington, Washington Native Bee Society, citizen scientist

Kris is a seasoned outdoor educator and native bee enthusiast with the Washington Native Bee Society. As an ecological gardener, she will provide guidance and plant recommendations for those who wish to support native bee nesting habitat in their own yards.

Friends of Fort Flagler is a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring, preserving, and protecting the natural and historic resources of Fort Flagler State Park. Please support our state park by becoming a member, volunteering, or donating to our organization. To learn more, visit